Delaware Nursing Schools

Nurses wishing to enhance their education while living and working in Delaware will find that Delaware has a total of 9 four year colleges and universities along with 6 community or technical colleges. The most distinguished university is The University of Delaware in Newark and Delaware State University in Dover.

There are 2 four year universities or colleges that offer a Bachelor of Nursing Degree. Delaware State University offers a Master of Science Nursing and The University of Delaware offers a hybrid curriculum of classroom and online courses with a Master of Science Nursing and a Doctor of Philosophy.


Nursing Schools in Delaware

  • Beebe Hospital School of Nursing
  • Delaware Technical and Community College-Owens
  • Delaware Technical and Community College-Terry
  • Delaware Technical and Community College-Stanton-Wilmington
  • Delaware State University
  • University of Delaware
  • Wesley College in Dover
  • Wilmington University

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